Understands how components of the RDF data model (datasets, graphs, statements, and various types of node) are expressed in the RDF library of a given programming language by constructs such as object-oriented classes.
Getting Started with Semantics in MarkLogic
This is the second chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It describes how to set up MarkLogic Server to store triples. Includes a step-by-step example [...]
Loading Semantic Triples
This is the third chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It describes how to load triples into a MarkLogic database from two sources; from an [...]
Introduction to Semantics in MarkLogic
This is the first chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It contains information about the RDF data model in general but, more importantly, the chapter [...]
Embedded Triples
This is the fifth chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It explains that triples that are part of an XML or a JSON document are [...]
Triple Index Overview
This is the fourth chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It explains that the indexing of triples is performed when documents containing triples are ingested [...]
MarkLogic: Getting Started with Semantics
This page serves as an introduction to a series of exercises to introduce the following features of MarkLogic: A SPARQL query language interpreter; Tools and [...]
MarkLogic: Loading Data
This text-based tutorial provides code and a walk-through for creating and configuring Databases and App servers using MarkLogic's Management API. It then moves on to [...]
MarkLogic: Next Steps
This is just one of several tutorials in a sequence, and they should be done in order to gain the most benefit. This final tutorial [...]
MarkLogic: SPARQL and XQuery together
This exercise covers the use of SPARQL and XQuery together in a few different ways. This involves running a series of queries on the BBC [...]
MarkLogic: Semantics Hello World
In this exercise, the user will: 1) Insert RDF triples into a database; 2) Query the triples using SPARQL. This is just one of several [...]